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Worldpay question?


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No, you don't have to be a registered company. You do have to have a bank account where they can deposit the funds although I can't remember if they stipulate it has to be a business bank account or not.


I'm at the stage where the IR know I have a business but I am not yet VAT registered - that is in the future. I do plan on forming a limited company eventually but, again, that is a future concern.


I think as far as Worldpay go, they don't care whether you are registered with anyone, provided they get their fees.

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Having waded through Worldpays FAQs, I would concur with JulieCSM. I am about to register and would like to give one and ask one:


1. You HAVE noted the new year offer where they waive the ?20 pm fee for 6 months and halve the worldaccess fee - comes to ?310.


1. Is it easy to integrate Worldpay with OSC? I note that it is not a "switchonable" option out of the box.


I have just had to let cCheckout go because although their fees and setup charges and integration with OSC were superb - they interpreted all my prices as USD - even though i price exclusively in GBP.


Seems its a one horse race if yoiu are a start up looking for card servives in the UK.





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