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The e-commerce.

Building oscommerce w/out webhosting


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I have never done anything like OSCommerce before (neither have I even tried to build a website at all!) and would really like to build my site offline before I pay for hosting.


I have downloaded OSCommerce, but as yet don't know how to open/access/install it locally, without having a webhost.


It was suggested to me (in another thread) that I could download EasyPHP or Apache, PHP and MySQL locally and do it that way. However, I loaded (and configured--etc Apache already from http://internetmaster.com/installtutorial/index.htm

and I still have no idea how to do this...


Is there any tutorial somewhere that explains (to a NOVICE) how to start building my OSCommerce site offline? How exactly to use Apache, PHP and MySQL once I've downloaded them?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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If you are developing on Windows you are far better off installing a package such as PHPDev (Apache/PHP/MySQL/PHPmyadmin) - unless of course you are wishing to learn each of these in the process, which is a good thing :D - in that case you are best to learn from the websites of each of those - all have comprehensive tutorials/forums etc.


There is info in our Wiki for installing/configuring/modifying your installation of osCommerce.... and of course these forums! :P



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I really just need something user- (and beginner!) friendly to get me started.


--so, if I download PHPDev I can install OSCommerce just on my hard drive, get the hang of how to build it offline, and then eventually just upload it when I get hosting service?

(I want to make sure so I'm not downloading a bunch of stuff I don't need!)

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Absolutely! This is the kind of setup that many professional developers have - there are other tools to make life easier, the most important being a good text editor designed for programming - TSW Webcoder is a good freeware editor.



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