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The e-commerce.

sessions being dropped


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I am using the latest version of OsCommerce. I am facing a problem where if you select items to add to your cart, then click checkout, it will bring you to a secured area of the site to login to your account. The problem is, at this point the cart is empty. The session doesn't appear to be making it from the non ssl section to the ssl section. I have tested it with the ssl option disabled, and everything works fine. Just so you know, I'm storing sessions in MySQL, have force cookies turned off, and have pconnect turned on (I have also tried it with pconnect disabled, and force cookies turned on). You can test it at http://lottascents.com. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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  • 1 year later...
Also, the server is running PHP v. 4.3.2 and register_globals are turned on.



It may be that your hosting company has php_value session.use_only_cookies "on". I had a similar problem when they updated. Hopefully you can bypass their setting using your .htaccess file... most/many hosting companies allow this. Add this to your .htaccess file.


<IfModule mod_php4.c>

php_value session.use_cookies "on"

php_value session.use_only_cookies "off"

php_value session.use_trans_sid "off"



Hope this helps,


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first off, if you are on a server with 4.3.2 you need to move immediately or risk being hit by worms.

next it is most likely a cookie se4tting in your configure.php file.

post that here without the database connection info.

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