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Transparent pages?


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I tried searching but didn't find anything... I'm skinning a site and I need to figure out how to make the php pages have a transparent background, similar to the




that would be used in regular HTML.


Any ideas? :)

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Good news: Use the same html markup in .php files as you would .html files. (Browsers parse the files the same if the correct headers are sent...don't worry about that anyway)


Bad news: You'll have to change almost all the files in the catalog directory (you might get away with changing most of the stuff in the stylesheet though), change the includes/classes/boxes.php file so the info boxes are transparent as well.




I did something similar where I made the info-boxes semi-transparent so a background image in the left/right columns showed through. Then, upon mouseover...they become opaque gradually, then went back to semi-transparent onmouseout.

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