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Master Products Contribution


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Can someone link me to the master products contribution? I have been referred to it, but cannot find it on the contributions page.


Thanks in advance for your help!



Patrick Louka



"Life greatest art learned through its hardest knocks is to make stepping stones of stumbling blocks."

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hi guys,


i'm newbie using Osc and Master products... i need make lincable the subproducts showed under description of the master product.


this subproducts have description and i need to link to it's description page... i'm not sure if it's as easy as append few lines with an 'href' code, but i don't know how can i do it.


Can you help me please?


Oh, i have an other question... when i'm in one subproduct page i can't go directly to the master product description page...there's no link to it's master page. Can i solve this easy?


thank's a lot

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oh God,


yes of course...

i didn't try it because i changed the 'master products' prefs. in the slaves prefs. . to avoid the image, and i'm working without images in subproducts list.

while we find for another system i leave active the image column ;)


if somebody knows anything else about second question, don't foget to post here the answer :P


Thanks a lot...

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Nobody know's about this?


Ok i try to add 'back' button in the slave product description like back button in cart to go back, but this isn't so fine. Then I assume i come from the master product but it's possible i come from cart or directly from 'what's new'...



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