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Backing up the whole catalog


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I am a newbie and keep experimenting with modules and every module keeps messing up the whole script and it doesnt work, i keep on backing up the database and restoring it but that doesnt help so now I copy and paste the WHOLE catalog folder back and forth between my pc and ftp.


is there a faster way of restoring the whole catalog after a mistake and you want to go back to the original way it was before you made the changes?



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When you are doing mods, do them one at a time. Back up just the affected files to your hd. Test the app. If its broken just move back the effected files in their original state and start again. Ususally your are just changing one of two files even it's more it only take a couple of moments to shoot them back vs the entire catalog. Once that mod works move to the next if you are making multiple changes.



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