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Relating products to one another


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I'm aware of the Family Products module, and I don't think it will solve my particular need here. Let me describe what I am seeking and tell me what you think.


I am building an automotive parts site. I have two objectives.

1) When you purchase brake rotors, you will see related products like brake pads, brake fluid, brake tools, etc. I believe this is the intended use of Family Products, correct?


2) To find the right parts for your car, you could navigate down through the categories Maintenance, Brakes, Pads, and see a listing of potentially 100s of products for different makes/models. Or, you could simply navigate the categories, 2000, Toyota, Corolla, Maintenance, Brakes, Pads and see 2-3 items.


I guess what I'm asking is how I could crosslink (for lack of a better word) the products into several categories, since the product ID needs to be unique.


Thanks in advance. It's been a long hard struggle but I am actually getting somewhere with the site :)

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Thanks for the quick reply.

I just finished another search and found that you can link products into multiple categories. I think that will work fine, but I'm not sure if there is an easy way to work with this method other than the gui. Terry mentioned that it would be nice if there was a contrib for this, so I'm not sure if one exists.


I do plan to try Family Products as well, but I've modified my database to include extra product fields, so I have to tread carefully.

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Tried editing my post but I couldn't, sorry.

I'm not exactly sure how this contri relates to my needs. It seems most suitable for products with multiple versions, like shoes or clothing.

My problem is sort of the reverse, for example, the same brake pads might fit three different cars. Unless you are suggesting that I use the slave designation and have 3 different sub-products, which would get confusing since there is only one actual item to ship.


I'll poke around some more. I really think the idea of linking a product into multiple categories will work fine, I just dont see an easy (easier?) way of managing the linking process.

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Car parts is something I am hoping further development of Master Products will be able to deal with - I have tried to get more feedback from people dealing with car parts (they know what they need better than I :P ) - please provide feedback on the announcement thread.



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