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Problem with footer


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Main page is fine but it happens when I navigate. Has anyone experienced this problem? To check if it was my coding I installed a fresh, unmodified copy of OSC but it happened anyway.


Thanks, Charles

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Thanks 1quicksi,


Apparently it is a known bug in php prior to v4.3 where it was fixed, which manifests in OSC by generating a missing or broken </TABLE> tag and relates to a session tag id prob, cache too small or something. Anyway, the closed bug report which addresses this is #1242. It includes several different options for clearing this up. I used the option of adding the </TABLE> tag to footer since I plan on upgrading php when I install Linux and figured it was an easier to reverse if necessary when I do that.


Bug #1242 fix for footer in right column


When I fixed that, the problem went away. :D


So did the problem of missing info in the footer (my other 'footer' post).



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Well now, I also had a problem when I centered all of the images and headings in the right and left cloumns which only occurred when I clicked on the categories I had entered through admin - basically the same prob as the footer but i could not find where to edit the <td> for that. So, I used another solution per bug report 1242, which was to add


ini_set ( 'session.use_trans_sid', 0);


to the top of 'includes/application_top.php' and it fixed that problem. So the bug solutions of altering the .htaccess file or application_top.php (these are basically the same fix of resetting the session id) appear to be the preferable solution since the loss of tag brackets can apparently (sp?) happen at random.


Good luck, Charles

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