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The e-commerce.

currency problems!?


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Hey guys,


My OSC is going to be one currency only, GBP.


Problem I'm having is I changed the value of GBP to 1.0000000 or something similar (all 0's) and it's showing all my prices as say, 2.00, when the it should be 1.99, it's like rounding it off to the nearest 0. I know it's something to do with the currency but I need to know what I should change the value to in order to sort this little problem out?


Thanks in advance, appreciate replies!


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have you it all set up in admin with the one currency being GBP set default your tax and tax zones have you made the changes in the two english.php files admin and catalog to be more UK

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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