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Trouble utilising shipping module


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I have installed the auspost contribution for shipping and seemed to have no problem installing etc. They showed up in my admin area and I installed from there.


Then when I go to check out I get the following


AusPOST Parcel Post

ERROR: The delivery rate for this option cannot be determined at this time

If you prefer to use this option as your shipping method, please contact the store owner.


I'm not really savvy with the zones yet but I have selected None and None at this stage.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get the same error, I have had it working for a few months, but recently getting the error.

From what I can tell, either my host has made changes to stop the string returning queries from external sites, or aust post has made changes to the calculator site.


Can I ask what server your site is on ? it may be some thing common we have, If I can determin it is some thing Australia post have change, then we can look at the string sent to see what changes are needed.



BTW, I think there has been some servre changes bade by some provideres due to hackers being able to mirror OSC sites.

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This is actually a bug in the code of the standard shipping option of the auspost module.


Theres a fix mentioned in my forums.


I'll have the module updated in the next week or so with a few adjustments and added functions to it

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