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charging tax to all products quicly ?


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I left about 150 products with the tax class as none when it really should be taxable goods.


Any quick way of fixing this ?


problem 2:

i actually tired changing only 1 product to taxable goods, and when i go through the checkout i dont' see the tax being charged. I made sure the zone was picked and i verified that the zone matches the zone of the user that i created. Any suggestions ?



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look in the table tax_class and get the value from the field tax_class_id for the one you want to set, lets say it is 1


run this update query against your database


update products set products_tax_class_id = 1

where products_tax_class_id = 0;


Note that the default value for products_tax_class_id is 0, so if they haven't been set this is what they should be. If not you may need to change the where clause.

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