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The e-commerce.

Internetsecure module - config problems


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Hi All,

How do I configure the internet secure module? This contribution does not appear to work properly.


I need two things for it to work:


1. I need the product name to be passed to their server, viz:




tep_draw_hidden_field('Products', ''.$price.'::1::'.$uid.'::'.___WHAT_GOES_IN_HERE___.''.$trx_currency.''.$test_status.'') .





2. How do I grab the info BACK from THEIR server into MINE? I need the order info to be passed into my dbase so the order shows up in admin/customer history and order e-mails are sent out.


Thank you for any help, I was under impression this module was OK and working.


Thank you for any help, it would be much appreciated.

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be best to post this in the contributions section, for that specific contribution and / or email the individual who created the contribution

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