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how to multiply


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$PercentageBrowsers = str_replace("%","",$PercentageBrowsers);

$BuyersPercentage = str_replace("%","",$BuyersPercentage);

$dollaramount = str_replace("$","",$dollaramount);



echo "



<b>$BuyersPercentage </b><br><br>

<b>$dollaramount </b><br><br>

" ;



$Browsers = $Visitors * $PercentageBrowsers;

$Buyers = $BuyersPercentage * $Browsers

$profit = $dollaramount * $Buyers;



The above results in :









however, when i uncomment the above, i get the following response:



Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in C:\indigoperl\apache\htdocs\bplan\showresults.php on line 26



thanks you.

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When debugging code, it is often handy to do it line by line.

So a natural suggestion would be ok lets see what happens when I only uncomment the first line. If that works then move on to the next.


In either case the error msg, in this case, tells you exactly which line the error is occuring.


If you look closely you will see that there is no ';' at the end of that particular line.



"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein

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