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Possible BUG with "Products Name" in Admin


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I have spent A LOT of time trying to figure out a problem I was having with my shop. On some product pages, my description would either completely or partially disappear. The information is in the database and would show up in the admin section correctly when I "previewed" it, but would be gone when I viewed it in the shop itself.


I FINALLY figured out what was wrong. Some of my product's names had a ":" or "-" in them. If one of those are in a product's name, it will distort the product_info.php page for that product. It doesn't matter what form they are in either (ie. %22, &quote, :). I haven't tested all characters, but I'm sure some others will have the same result. I know that using periods "." are safe though.


As far as a solution, I'm still searching. I know it's something simple that I am overlooking. Has anyone experienced this problem before and found a fix??? For now, I've taken those characters out of my descriptions.

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It turns out that it isn't necessarily the characters. If my description is too long, then the same thing happens. =(


If anyone has ANY ideas, please help!!!

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yes you may have to use / before some special characters and as for length this is set in the sql database and can be increased upto 255 characters.


the table to look for would be products_descriptions I think and it is the var character length that needs the value changed to allow longer names

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your database structure must be adjusted


CREATE TABLE `products_description` (
 `products_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `language_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
 `products_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
 `products_description` text,
 `products_url` varchar(255) default NULL,
 `products_viewed` int(5) default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`products_id`,`language_id`),
 KEY `products_name` (`products_name`)


the column products_description in table products_description must be set to text datatype.

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