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Basic Template Structure V Simple Template System


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Hello All,


I have successfuly installed osCommerce and am now wanting to customise its default look. To be honest I have not snooped around in the config files yet so am not in the position to understand its workings.


I am aware there are 2 contributions which apparently make it easier to customise osCommerce, namely Basic Template Structure and Simple Template System. Both of these contributions claim to do the same thing, i.e. make it easier to customize osCommerce.


Can anyone advise which of the 2 is the best?


Alternatively might it be better not to use the Contributions and instead just change the existing configuration? :blink:


Thanking you in advance,



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STS's primary target is allowing you to reskin the store with one HTML file. If you are good with HTML but not PHP, it might be the contribution for you.


BTS is good if you understand PHP and want to make changes to the whole store by changing one file. BTS is more intrusive (replaces all the catalog files), but it is also more flexible.


Both contributions conflict with other contributions. STS because it has trouble mixing the outputs, and BTS because it makes so many changes that it can be hard to map where the other contribution wants to make changes to where they need to be made in the BTS files. If you are satisfied with the base 3 column layout, perhaps you would be better off just customizing the basic files. The most important places to make changes are includes/header.php, includes/footer.php, includes/column_left.php, includes/column_right.php, stylesheet.css, and includes/classes/boxes.php.




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  • 3 years later...
The most important places to make changes are includes/header.php, includes/footer.php, includes/column_left.php, includes/column_right.php, stylesheet.css, and includes/classes/boxes.php.





Thanks for this - this is what I was looking for. (I only have a basic understanding of PHP)..

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Thanks for this - this is what I was looking for. (I only have a basic understanding of PHP)..



The comments relating to STS above are VERY OUTDATED!

STS has come a long way since 2004. Take a look at any software program since 2004 for that matter. Even osC has improved greatly since 2004.


Take a look at the STSv4 Forum link in my signature below for more information regarding all of the great features of the Simple Template System in the here and now.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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