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The e-commerce.

E-mail problem - path to sendmail


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I moved my OS Commerce installation to a new server...everything seems to be working fine, except it will not send out e-mail for lost password, gv, etc.


I get the following error:


/etc/mail/sendmail.cf: line 0: cannot open: No such file or directory blah, blah


On this particular server, the sendmail.cf (and other sendmail files) are located in the /etc/ folder...not the mail folder.


Where can I change this path setting in oscommerce?



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After a bit of research it appears that the sendmail_path has something to do with who the e-mail is coming from.


I guess I'm still stuck...help!


Not sure what to change in the php.ini

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This may be a long shot because I've never encountered this particular issue, but one a little bit similar.


Find the two configure.php files and check that the paths are correct for each of your issues.


I had to remove /catalog/ from several paths in the configure file when I moved my store, and that did the trick for me!

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I had to do the same thing...to get the other functions of oscommerce working. But it hasn't corrected this mail issue.


Somehow I think there must be somewhere in the scripts where the path to sendmail is specified.


Otherwise where is it getting the etc/mail ?

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sorry, have been upgrading a 2.2 cvs to 2.2 ms2 what a pain . .

anyway, in the admin tools server_info open that and then search for mail, should be a few that you find, let me know what all they are.

can you send mail normally? does your host require authentication?

have you changed the mail settings from default? what are your settings?

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I have the same Problem, Using IPOWERWEB as my Host. When you send Enquire to the store I receive 2 copies. And if you use the forgotten password you don?t get the e-mailseven do its says password has been sent. Please Help

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There are 4 references to mail in the admin-tools-serverinfo:


sendmail_from [email protected]

sendmail_path /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i


Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i


MAIL /var/spool/mail/sioux


My host does not require authentication and I haven't changed any mail settings.


The above says php is using /usr/sbin/ as the path to send mail...but when my oscommerce errors it says it is trying to use /etc/mail/ ?


I'm still stuck!

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ok, it has to be something which has changed, as mine is identical except for /var/spool, dont know where you found that one.

my suggestion is to upload a basic version, connect it to a database and then send mail. do not go in and change anything! just create store, this is for troubleshooting. if mail then works, it would be some contribution, etc, that is causing this. else your host may have done some things wrong. take a look at the maillog, or ask your host so you can troubleshoot.

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Found the var/spool stuff in the Environment area of the server info page.


This is an identical implementation of the one that worked before...no mods or contributions are installed. I just modified the paths in the configure.php files


If there isn't some sort of sendmail path configuration in the oscommerce scripts...then it must be an issue with the way this server is configured.


I was hoping it was something I could change in one of the scripts.

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