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Interesting shopping cart problem


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On one of my clients' sites, a shopper's shopping cart is going crazy. There are 61 rows in customers_basket table, each with quantities ranging from 1..867. The php session file reflects the contents of the shopping cart. I'm pretty certain this is not user error.


Needless to say, the customer is shocked and worried, and the client is curious what the problem could be. This is the only customer for which this problem is happening. The installation is running osCommerce 2.2.


Has anybody seen this before, or does anybody have a clue what's going on?


Sample db output below for customers_basket.


| customers_basket_id | customers_id | products_id | customers_basket_quantity | final_price | customers_basket_date_added |
|                 776 |          289 | 34          |                        35 |      0.0000 | 20040116                    |
|                 773 |          289 | 24          |                        24 |      0.0000 | 20040116                    |
|                 717 |          289 | 50          |                       800 |      0.0000 | 20040115                    |
|                 718 |          289 | 49          |                       867 |      0.0000 | 20040115                    |
|                 772 |          289 | 66          |                        35 |      0.0000 | 20040116                    |
|                 771 |          289 | 65          |                        31 |      0.0000 | 20040116                    |
|                 501 |          289 | 60          |                       137 |      0.0000 | 20031215                    |
|                 770 |          289 | 19          |                        37 |      0.0000 | 20040116                    |
|                 768 |          289 | 13          |                        39 |      0.0000 | 20040116                    |
|                 767 |          289 | 33          |                        34 |      0.0000 | 20040116                    |
|                 766 |          289 | 57          |                        48 |      0.0000 | 20040116                    |
|                 765 |          289 | 64          |                        24 |      0.0000 | 20040116                    |

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This might help... The shopper answered support email:


I'm using IE 6.0.2800.1106IC


I have a security product that scans javascript and blocks anything malicious, but it sends me warnings if it finds anything and hasn't alerted me on your site. It does allow cookies.

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I'm not the expert on this, but it sounds like a session ID problem, with multiple people running on the same session. If you have absolutely no body else reporting strange things in the basket, this might not be the case, but then, most people won't report this, they will just leave.


It could also be her JavaScript check program, effectively pushing buttons all over the store. This should be pretty obvious though, and would probably affect more than just your site.


Do you have a way to track users by session id? If so, and you can figure out what session id is associated to this basket, you can look at the clickstream, and see if they have some HUGE number of clicks, which would indicate that there is a sessionID hardcoded somewhere, switching users to a new session.


Also, do you have users asking about baskets being randomly emptied?



Dan Stevens

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Do you have a way to track users by session id?  If so, and you can figure out what session id is associated to this basket, you can look at the clickstream, and see if they have some HUGE number of clicks, which would indicate that there is a sessionID hardcoded somewhere, switching users to a new session.


Also, do you have users asking about baskets being randomly emptied?

Thanks for the helpful suggestions, Dan! I don't have the problem with baskets being randomly emptied, but I will certainly look at the session's clickstream when I enter the account. If the session ID is hardcoded or cross-mapped somehow, then everybody's clicks are emptying into this session.


But the numbers are too high to represent in-basket clicks... this is a small boutique store. I'm also thinking that, somehow -- item views are being remapped to this particular customers_id in customer_basket. The more popular items have higher quantities, so there might be something like that happening.


Thanks again for your help!

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One last thought (and I'm not sure this will help any) is to change your store to redirect the customer to the basket after they add something. It would be interesting to see if on almost every click, they end up viewing the basket. I'm not sure what this would really mean, but it would support your theory that clicks are somehow getting content added to the basket.


Good luck in figuring this out. I'm out of ideas.



Dan Stevens

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  • 3 years later...

I am experiencing this same problem. User comes into the store without logging in, clicks into the categories or into the what's new item and the cart fills with several goods. It's not a consistent problem that he can reproduce every time, but has happened more than once.

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