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problem testing Worldpay


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and downloaded the contribution and installed it ... I haven't register to Worlpay yet but want to check wether or not I go through with the right language ( french, english or Spanish), but when I confirm the order, i get to the following URL:




which tells me the service is temporarly not available ( tried a few times a couple of days ago and same message).


Does anybody could provide me some info on how to use Worlpay correctly, cf, with the correct language and the correct URL for check out...


thanks a million :D

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it will come up with this, as it is looking for an installation on the WorldPay server. You need a Junior ID number to be able to test it properly, and can only get this from setting up an account with WorldPay


Hope this helps

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cool, I suspected something like this. Are you using it yourself? any problem in using the multilanguages? What contribution and OsC are you using?


Thanks for your reply, much appreciate.



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