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New Products On Index Page Design Question


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How do I find the locations for where osC is assigning the image boxes at the side of the "New Products" header. I have looked everywhere. I re-named the text on my site there: "Skye Herbals Product List" if you happen to see what I am talking about on my site. I tried changing the .gif to white, but unfortunately the same picture is used on ALL info boxes which then reverses the problem and has me with white boxes in my control bar to the left. Any ideas? After this, my site is almost done with the make over.

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To change the header images on the new_products info box go to the Wiki Docs. Box Header Images It gives detailed instructions on how to change them. You will also need to go to includes/languages/english/index.php and change this line:

define('TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS', 'New Products For %s'); ?




I just had to do these steps yesterday, so I know they work for sure.

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