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Newsletter in HTML?


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I'm trying to send out a HTML newsletter, but can't seem to get it done.


The raw HTML code is showing when I do this.


Any ideas?




<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 

<title>ALPINE HOSTING August 2002 Newsletter</title>

<body bgcolor="f0f0f0">
   <table width="100%" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0" 
BORDER="1" width="750" align="center" BGCOLOR="FFFFFF"> 
         <tr><td BORDERCOLOR="000000"> 
           <table width="100%"><tr><td> 

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
 <tr class="header">
   <td valign="middle"><a

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Just an FYI, I figured it out.


This is for the newsletter contribution.


I went into this file:




And foud this text (towards the bottom of the file:





And changed it to:




Now, the newsletters that are sent out by the newsletter contribution, that contain HTML do in fact show in HTML instead of showing the raw HTML code.


Just in case any one else has the same issue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't recall.


I just wanted some real HTML that I could use to test out, that I didn't want to have to mark up myself.


I have no idea who/what Alpine Hosting is. Maybe it was a SPAM email I had received...


I can't recall.

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I have no idea who/what Alpine Hosting is. Maybe it was a SPAM email I had received...


I can't recall.

I sincerely hope it wasnt Spam as its from my company. And that system hasnt been online for nearly a year now, hence thats why im curious.

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yes, but in that case the newsletter will always be sent as html



I was thinking so. because when a subscriber can check html or tekst he must get his preferred email..

it basically does not check whether user has selected text or html type of newsletter

nowedays its even possible to check if the user can have tekst or html automaticly so sent him tekst and when he can receive html sent him html...


So this contrubution relly needs to be updated!


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is there anyone with php experience that can update the newsletter module v0.2?



-I client checks if the newsletter is html or tekst but there is no possibility to make the emial for text and html; only one field not 2


-no double opt-in as is required by anti-spam regulation.


2 get confirmation email 1 with link (html when sunscribed to html email and text when checked tekst news0

3-client clicks link get to link on site and gets confirmation he is subscribed now

4-get another defenitly subscribtion email 2: he is subscibed now


in admin

fields text:

confirmation email 1

defenitly subscribtion email 2

text email for e-news


fields html:

confirmation email 1

defenitly subscribtion email 2

text email for e-news


more? I was surprised this is not in oscommerce because this is common knowledge i thought...


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