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The e-commerce.

Payment Problems


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When I goto Admin to select a payment option I get the following url displayed while I have the mouse pointer over the (+) install button




but I am never able to install any payment modules. I have even tried following the PHP source code as to identify the problem bounds. I have read most of the forums, but most just suggest reinstalling again - not a real option as we have spend weeks getting this far.


All the modules do exist in .../admin/modules/payment/ i.e:

authorizenet.php, cc.php, cod.php, ipayment.php, moneyorder.php, nochex.php, paypal.php,

pm2checkout.php, psigate.php and secpay.php.


I just cannot understand how to get any payment module to load.

I have checked MySQL osCommernce DB, and they are in the "configuration table".


Help required as the shop is online but cannot take orders:

All Assistance appreciated. Thanks Grahame.



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Hi Craig.


I completely removed everything below /srv2/www/htdocs/catalog/includes/languages and copied the original code back to ./english/modules/payment which included all the contained subdirectories etc. Pointed the browser and as expected got the index.php initial warnings, so just replace with my index.php and english.php. Tried the Admin -> Modules;

same problem - no changes. Bummer! I have now taken a MySQLdump of the shop's osCommerce->configuration table to compare it line by line with the 2MS2 MySQL osCommerce->configuration table in the hope of finding something amiss.


Your assists appreciated but I am still slowly sinking in the Ozzy sunset.

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It is not clear why you tried to replace the language files? The code files that implement installation and uninstallation are in the includes/modules/payment directory, The language directory only contains specific langiage text definitions and images etc.

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand." -- Albert Einstein

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Comparing Original osCommerceDB->configuration table entries to thoes on the ishop, entries ID 70 to 78 incluvise missing with last entry #164. On the ishop DB->configuration table, missing entries 70->78 inclusive but continues with last entry #232. I'll try inserting from original osCommerce table entries 70 to 78 inclusive to see what happens (after a complete osCommerce backup of course ;-)

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When I goto the Admin -> Payment Modules floowing line appears:

Module Directory: /srv2/www/htdocs/catalog/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/


Hence I now have updated both of the above modules directories and the ishop

DB without any success.

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I have the same issue with all of my modules. The following shows up but nothing to select and install:



Module Directory: includes/modules/payment/



Module Directory: includes/modules/shipping/


Order Total:

Module Directory: includes/modules/order_total/


I have no idea what's going on.

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Ok. The only way I save my Internet Store (IStore) situation was:


1> Take a MySQLdump of osCommerce redirected to a text file (mysqldump -u root -p >/tmp/ishop.txt). Then I prinited out my entire 98 pages.

2> I made a new web-root directory to a new root location. ie: from /www to /srv

3> I dropped osCommerce from MySQL (mysqladmin -u root -p drop osCommerce).

4> I downloaded osCommerce2MS2 and reinstalled to /srv.

5> I followed the automated osCommerce install via the web interface.

6> I used "diff -R /www /srv > /tmp/ishpDB.txt" to find all the differences between old and new.

7> After about a day I got the original I-Shop running but without its mysql data restored.

I also cleared all the new osCommerce which had the demo products etc.

8> I made a complete backup copy of osCommerceDB and /srv - ie: Virgin DB foundation so if anything went wrong again I could easily jump to point 7 above.

9> Went through the MySQL /tmp/ishop.txt dump print out and restored only those table sections where we had cusomised or had inserted our own products. (Not really hard, just very very time consuming doing all the cut & paste stuff from old DB (text dump) to the newly recreated osCommerce DB.

9> All worked -- Only 2 days effort. At least the business is back up and working ;-))

10> I made a complete copy of osCommerce and /srv without Ishop data - ie: Virgin foundation so if anything went wrong again I could easily jump to point 8 above. Also stored my backups in three different pyhsical locations by scp.

11> On the security side make all your web files ownership root:www and where applicable access 750 or 640. Assuming your running apache user as wwwrun and apache group www.


Learnt a lot - But O' boy what a way to do it!!!


Hope your more successful.

Cheers. Grahame

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