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SSL problems pease help!


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When I whant to proceed to secure zone I have a message `This pge contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you whant to display nonsecure items`. When i click no image on top and styles not properly showed.




Can someone help me!!!

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that means the items which are not showing are not located on your secure server, while the others are. you could have those items hard coded (http in the code) versus a relative, which changes when the program switches over to SSL. Depending upon how your host does this, makes a difference.

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can I ask something too?


if my SSL directory is outside web directory, does it mean that I have to move all in /catalog into that SSL directory.. what is the common way to solve this problem?



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In wiki docs i found some response to my question.

instead of this :


<img src="images/ru_small.gif" border=0 align="absmiddle" vspace=0 hspace=0 alt="Russian">


should i use this

<?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'ru_small.gif', 'my ALT text', '100px', '150px'); ?>




Am I right?

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Its caused by accessing an image using 'http://...etc...' when your URL is 'https://...etc...' . Find the image that's coded with http:// and remove the host name (if its on your machine) or change to https:// if possible. One way to locate the offending item is to reply 'no' when prompted whether to allow the access and see what on the page is missing.



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first my code was


<img alt=Turkshop-Systems border=0 src="images/banner_01.jpg" width="531" height="100">



then i changed it to


<?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'banner_01.jpg', 'Turkshop-Systems', '531px', '100px');


but there is the same problem.


In next lines i have a flah, there is no problem


<param name=movie value="images/<?php echo smTOP_FLASH_NAME;?>">




please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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