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Customer Checkout Issues


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I seem to have a recurring problem with customers not being able to checkout when they have more than 1 payment method to choose from.


I problem resides in that the radio buttons on the payment page are not easily noticable.


Does anyone know how to make those radio buttons auto select when they start typing in the corrisponding field? This I think would be easiest for the end-user.


The other option would be to move the radio buttons to where they are positioned on the left of the payment option... again, how would I make this adjustment? :)


Thanks for the help,


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I found a fix for it, just use an onload command in the BODY tag. (checkout_payment.php)


onload="selectRowEffect(this, 0)"


change the 0 to whatever number you need for the default selection on page load.

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There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors.

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