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The e-commerce.

Authorize.net AIM/ADC


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I've installed the latest Authorize.net payment module:


Authorizenet ADC Direct Connection by Kevin Chen.


I followed the readme, there were only two or three changes. I updated my files but I don't receive an Auto-Receipt Email from Authorize.net when I place an order.


The order processes fine but I don't think there really is contact with Authorize.net


I do have cURL installed.


I'm I missing something?


I have searched the forums but I haven't seen anything on this.


Please help me. Which contribution can I depend on to work? Has anyone gotten a module for the Authorize.net to work, I'm on a Linux box. I would like the transaction to appear to remain on my web server (in the browser address bar).




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I got this contribution to work. I was expecting to receive confirmation emails form Authorize.net for the "tests" I was sending. As soon as I switched from test mode to production in OSC and went live at Authorize.net I began to see my unsettled transactions in Authorize.net.



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Hi - I just installed this same mod and can't get it to work. Any chance you would be willing to assist me in getting all the files configured properly? I think the osCommerce on my site is fine - maybe I just need to get the Authorize.net side set up properly? PM me - or get me in IM - or even email?

Doug LaMar

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