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Weird problem with uploaded images


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I'm having a really weird problem with uploaded product images:


- Some images work fine

- Some images look horribly distorted

- Some images don't upload at all


I checked the images/ directory and it looks like the images that work fine and look distorted are actually uploaded. But the distorted ones are distorted in some way by the program even if you view them with a regular image viewer. The images that don't upload at all are not in the images/ directory, and just show a red-x in the product listing.


All images are close to the image size (or a multiple there-of) and are in the 4-30k range.


Does anyone know offhand what this could be? I'm a little confused.


As a workaround for now if I just upload the image, and then manually overwrite the image file via ftp (same filename) it appears perfectly in the program.


Any suggestions would be appreciated, let me know if I should post some config files or something.





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Don't know if it's the same problem or not but when I uploaded some files one time using ASCII instead of smart translation on my ftp client, it distorted my images. You might want to check to see that it is not uploading the images as ASCII files.

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I don't think that is the problem, because it is the uploading through the web interface that is causing the problem, not ftp.


Here is an example of an image that has become distorted after uploading:



Anyone else have any ideas? This problem is very frustrating

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