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The version that I have on my computer came with my cpanel so I'm not totally sure which version it is but it said 2.2CVS on the index page before I took that text out.


What is the difference between CVS and MS2?


When I went into the Admin yesterday there was no logout button or link. Today I went back and all I had to do was to type Admin and I got right in without having to type in my user name or password, so I went to another computer that is connected (networked) with my first computer and all I had to do was to type in admin and I got right in without having to fill out a login name or password. Is there a way to make sure that I can log out?


3rd thing:

As the admin I went into Categories / Products to try to add some more things and at the top of the page an error showed up saying:

Error: Catalog images directory is not wrieable: /***/*/*/*/Store/images/

Could error be due to frontpage?


Please need help with these three things to begin with!

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I was able to fix the image folder problem by changing the CHMOD (what is the best/proper setting)?


What is the difference between CVS and MS2?


Still looking for a way to log out of admin and for to be setup so that people acctually have to have the login name and password to be able to access the admin area, any suggestion?


Is there a way to check and see which version I have other then the text on the home page that said it was CVS 2.2?

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i am not sure aout cvs ones...but i tried the Linda's SEC onces...it sounds very similar :P .....


however...the admin...is just temporaly username...you'd have to change it inside, once you used admin to login...then i believe there is something you can change the username and password on you own......


and to create login for others......you can also have it done there by creating admin member group...when you click the administrator above the categories...



(these ideas just based on what i see from Linda's SEC version) ;)

OS-commerce is great, but with other magical contributions, that is just so "COOL"!

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Thank you for your help. I will try to explain a little better what is happening.


I have a couple of computers networked. I went to my store .../Store/ and it says that I'm there as a guest, I then type in .../Store/admin and yesterday I had to type in my admin username and password to get in to the admin control panel. In the control panel there was no log out button so when I was done I closed the browser.


Today I went back into .../Store/admin folder (I'm using internet explorer) on the web and today I did not have to typ in the admin login name or password, I was let straight into the control panel. This concerned my so I went to one of my other computers and went to my web page, then /Store/ and then /admin (.../Store/admin) and was let into the admin area and I did not have to type in the admin login name or password.


I hope that this clearifies what is happening.

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