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Change wording "paypal" to credit card


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my customers get confused with paypal.


Does anyone know how to change the wording on the payment page from "paypal" to "credit card processing"


regards, jonnie

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  • 1 month later...

*** I would like to apologize in advance for a non-techno slang. I'm not a programmer, I'm a sales person who knows PHP a bit and forced to apply small changes myself, since I can't afford a professional programmer to maintain my OSC. Please bear with me if I use incorrect/wrong terms. ***




maybe you can help me out here, becuase I ran into troubles doing exactly that... Well, not really troubles, but inconvenience to say the least...


Anyways, I also found PayPal to be confusing to my customers so I changed the MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_TEXT_TITLE in catalog/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypal.php to something like "AmEx/MasterCard/Visa - Online Payment" (for english).


The problem is that now when the order is placed, the "AmEx/MasterCard/Visa - Online Payment" is stored as the 'payment method' and no PayPal details are displayed on the orders.php?action=edit page. I looked in the code of orders.php, there're a few if statements where the 'payment_method' is compared to 'paypal' so additional information about the order is displayed. My problem is that I use quite a few languages on my shopping pages so I cannot just hardcode the "new" english description for paypal into orders.php.


Any advise?


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