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The e-commerce.

Weird thing happened!


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When I make a test purchase on my site, when i am at the checkout_confirmation.php.........at the very top of the php...I have got something like this??? ...and so is from my admin!



[W[Zu|?Ú׷Os?^$Eӓ?DF???j?hQl?p ? ?Gj???dI?7C??Z?G??^.??ᕉz? db



in admin...is something about the modules...and when i click order total....i see the

MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_SHIPPING_TITLE....showed up instead of "shipping"



I have tried my backup order_total folder, and try to see the admin language problem...still have no clue about it!!! :(

OS-commerce is great, but with other magical contributions, that is just so "COOL"!

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