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When I do add to cart or write review I get the following erron



Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /......store/catalog/includes/languages/english.php:1) in /....../store/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 29


Where do I start debugging this? I am on 2.2 with sts 1.8.


If I go back to a clean install, can I keep my configure.php and database and go from there?



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I wouldn't go back to a complete re-install just yet - things rarely get so bad as all that.


Have a look at that error message again - it's giving you a clue.... It means that output has already been sent to the browser in the /catalog/includes/functions/general.php file in line 29. So, when code is used later that is intended to re-direct the browser, it complains because output has already been started somewhere else.


general.php shouldn't send any output to the browser, so there must be some kind of problem introduced there. Start by having a look around line 29 - are there any bits outside of php tags there or dropped quotes, etc?



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