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The e-commerce.

ERROR When editing MODs


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After I install any mod ie, AirborneShipIt and when I hit the status button to edit I get the following error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_tax_class_title() in /home/eliteimp/public_html/shop/admin/modules.php on line 215


I need help with this... I can't install any MODS unless I fix this. I am running MS2.2


Thanks in advance


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If the file exists its probably not the cause of your trouble. In general.php ,around line 1156 you should have the following text:


function tep_get_tax_class_title($tax_class_id) {

if ($tax_class_id == '0') {

return TEXT_NONE;

} else {

$classes_query = tep_db_query("select tax_class_title from " . TABLE_TAX_CLASS . " where tax_class_id = '" . (int)$tax_class_id . "'");

$classes = tep_db_fetch_array($classes_query);


return $classes['tax_class_title'];




Also admin/includes/application_top.php has a line in it that includes the general file:

require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'general.php');


And /admin/modules.php includes application_top using the line:



If all this is in place, it might be you configuration is not pointing to the right Unix directory Make sure your configure.php file in admin/includes has the following entry:

define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/home/eliteimp/public_html/shop'); // where the pages are located on the server




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I think I am getting there... The line in the config is:


define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', $DOCUMENT_ROOT); // where your pages are located on the server. if $DOCUMENT_ROOT


should I edit this with the root path?



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perhaps going here will help you on learning how to move around and being able to search on your server.




these people who put this program together, have spent quite some time on the Wiki documentation which is a must to read as it tells you quite a lot of what you need to do. i would start with the installation requirements if i were you and go from there.

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I'm not that stupid... (grin) This oscommerce is just a little difficult to get around.


Once I find or someone points out the possible problem I am sure I can fix it. I just need to tap some of the experience on this forum.



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OK looks fine. Check your configure.php to make sure your directory is set correctly


Try changing your configure.php file to read:


define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/home/eliteimp/public_html/shop'); // where the pages are located on the server



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