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The e-commerce.

Remote Add to Cart buttons


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Hello, I am setting up OSCommerce for a medical website and I am trying to format the pages to look like that of a medical facilties rather than an online superstore.


I have researched OSCommerce a bit and I find it to be a very well designed system. However, the product description field does not allow me to input HTML, therefore I have little control on what the product page looks like. In addition some medical product pages need to look different from other ones. That leaves me with only one other option, which is to figure if a "remote add to cart" button is possible, so that I can simply create a button that would pass on the necessary information to OSCommerce.


So far what I have found is that the buttons are drawn using:


tep_draw_hidden_field function from HTML_output


It is also important that the product pages on our medical site remain HTML. Therefore I was thinking of popping in a button on a pure HTML product page, then link it to a php page that would hold the product code/id and redirect and pass on that information into the shopping cart.


That may be the long way around, but I couldn't think of anything else at the moment.


If anyone has any experience working on something like this, please give me a hand. I am only mediocre at php and writing functions. :P


Thanks in advance. :)



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There is a wysiwyg editer in the contributions that would allow you to add HTML to your products. Not sure of the name.


As for remote add - it should be possible to cut and paste the HTML form and its attributes from the real page to another page, though as it uses OSCID it might be harder than it appears


The form code reads something like:

<form name="cart_quantity" action="http://www.custommadecrafts.com/product_info.php/cPath/29_23/products_id/34/action/add_product?osCsid=72da9fda56e7545514b6c67b7c9840e3" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="osCsid" value="72da9fda56e7545514b6c67b7c9840e3" />


Has a lot of hidden and non-hidden input fields also that would need weeding out.

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Hmm yeah that's what I was thinking of doing. However that would mean I would have to add the includes and requires (e.g. require ../../../html_output.php)


then that would make it so my pages would have to be .php instead of .htm


well I just thought it over some more and I guess i can have the store a seperate area of the site, so that we'd still keep our medical products, and when someone chooses to purchase online, the product page can direct them to the online store.


Much like how Macromedia seperates it's product pages from it's online store product pages.

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Hmm.. I thought it should let me so I dropped in some tables and etc and it didn't show up, when I tried to edit it there were tons of // (slashes) all over the place.


But I'll go try again, perhaps I did something wrong that time. thanks Julie :)

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If you still wanted to use a remote button, simply copy the Buy Now button from the product listing page, and place it where you want it to go.


I use this often to send out newsletters and put buy now buttons on the newsletter - works fine. You could use a different image but the same link:


For example the actual link on the buy now button for one of my products is:



I can put this link onto any picture anywhere and it will still work like the buy now button would, opening the site and putting one of the product into the basket.


Click on the link above - it should open my website and add a CD called A Place to Dream into the basket.

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You must have a product listing page otherwise where are your product listed?


The url will be something like: www.yourdomain.com/catalog/default.php/cPath/22_49


Or possibly index.php if you are on version 2.2


Then you need to have your "buy now" column switched on in the admin side (under product listing) and you should see something like this (click on link):



Hover over the buy now button and you will see the link appear at the bottom of the page. If you copy that button using cut and paste and put it wherever you want to put it, the link should remain intact, although check it first and remove any session ids.


If you give a link to your website I will be able to see what you need to do.

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OK - I don't quite know what you've done to the shop or why, as you have got rid of all the infoboxes that tell me what categories you have and all your products except one are listed on separate html pages.


But from the one product you have listed using the database, I have been able to construct a link which should add that product to your cart.




You MUST enter your products into the osc database to use this and make a note of each product's ID number, in this case - 28.


If you use this link on your image, with the number changed accordingly, you will be able to use your static html pages and your Add to cart button.






Edit: this silly program has cut down the url. It should be:



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Oh wow, thank you so much Julie! :) That was just what I was looking for! :)


I went ahead and edited the PHP to remove the boxes because I wanted the store to look more like an medical product information site, with the option to purchase online, rather than purely an online vendor, because it fits with the company image better.


Goodness, but thank you again! :) I really really appreciate your help. :) If ever there's anything I can help you out with in return, please let me know. I am mediocre with php and web design/graphics, flash and etc. Let me know if you want to see any samples.


Thank you thank you! :)

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No problem - that's the way the forum works. When I was a newbie (all of 5 months ago) everyone helped me and now I can give some of that help back.


Have fun!

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then that would make it so my pages would have to be .php instead of .htm


one way to get php to work on htm pages is to alter your .htaccess file on the server - if you save it to the top level, it'll work for all htm files in all subdirectories - -


just add this line:


AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .php .htm


and your htm pages will parse php - very handy!


I'm using it on my home pages to show a random image from my image gallery:


graficalicus web & graphics workshop


works great - - - I never thought about using it to add an "add to cart" button, but I think I might give it a whirl! thanks for the idea!

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