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The e-commerce.

mutiple product selection


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Hi there, i have searched through all of the mods but cannot find what i am looking for. And honestly cant write one myself.


I was wondering if anyone knew of where i might find a mod that allows the buyer to select the products they want to have added to thier custom gift basket?


Thanks in advanee, and if noone knows, well thank you anyways for atleast taking the time to read my request. :)

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If you mean add products and create a sort of gift hamper i might have a solution, perhaps there's an easier way but i think this might work.


Have your basket as a product. Then the attributes of the product are actually the bits which make up the hamper. So attribute one is two bottles of wine each can be set to increase the overall product price by an amount. If you want to display how much they cost put it in brackets in the attribute name. Then add another load of attributes like some boxes of choccies. That way the customer choses which attributes or hamper items to put in and the price is adjusted automatically.


The oscommerce i dowloaded had a computer as a products then some memory as an attribute so you could add to the standard package, or add a better monitor... So in theory it's possible but i've never tried it myself.

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