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Questions relating to images


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I just have a few questions regarding images.


1. what is the better image format to use? JPG or GIF? I want to save my images as transparent so I read this can only be done with GIF? but not JPG? correct? What do people use out there?


2. what is the best size to use for images? or is this really just personal preference?


3. I want to save product images under a sub-directory of the images directory? How can I do this and have my existing products read from the correct location.


Any assistance appreciated.



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1. Yes transparent backgrounds are only GIF format

2. I like JPG mostly becuase I can choose the amount of compression

3. I use 150x150 typicaly whenever possible.




You can alter the location of the images but you would have to change the code in each file that points to that image. Really not worth the effort IMHOP

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.png files are also supported in Dynamic MoPics contribution but not sure in standard osc. They are also capable of transparent backgrounds.


If you are using separate images for thumbnails, some like to use .gifs for those and .jpgs for the larger images if you don't need the transparent background in the popup window.

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