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duplicate orders


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My site has been running fine for the last 4 months and this week I have been getting orders placed and being duplicated.

The payment is received by Moneris only once and the orders all have the same acceptance number from Moneris.

The orders appear duplicated in the admin panel and the customers keep getting excited that their order has been placed up to 4 times.


I took a look at the MySQL database and I don't see anything

obviously wrong with it. I looked at the orders table and the orders_id

field. orders_id is a field that auto-increments each time a new order

occurs. I see some gaps where I have deleted orders which should be normal.


I also tried searching for a similar problem on the oscommerce forums

however nothing turned up even sounding similar.


I looked at the error logs via ftp and don't see anything other than it

logs when anyone pushes the stop button while in SSL mode.


Anyone have any ideas ?

Could this be a hosting problem where the database is kept ?


I tried duplicating the problem later today and couldn't.


Anywa ideas would be great, appreciate it !


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