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Help Configuring the Information Section


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Hi all,


Please be patient with me, Im an osCommerce newbie and I have little experience with this kind of thing. Ive tried a forum search but I cant really put the specifics that I need to know into a search thus it returns threads that dont contain the information that I need and these are what you people would consider easy questions.



Shipping & Returns

Privacy Notice

Conditions of Use

Contact Us


This is what I have along the left hand side as standard but I cannot find anywhere the option to put text into these categories :o . It just displays the standard message and i wish to change this. Please could someone tell me where to find this option?


Any help is greatly appreciated! :D


I've also noticed people putting in there own categories like Navigation which then has a link to forums, etc, how do I do this?




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the files are contained in catalog/includes/languages/english/

if you are using a different language then change english for the language you are using if you open each of the php files that you wish to change there should you find a


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', 'Put here your Shipping & Returns information.');

change the part that says Put here your Shipping & Returns information. but leave the define('TEXT_INFORMATION', ' and the ');

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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Your store may not be called catalog it may be store or shop or something, however the files are in includes/languages/english/ and this differs from admin/includes/english/


use an ftp program to download the file and change it offline using an editor then upload with the ftp program.


You could do this using the admin panel tool file manager but I would not recommend it as I have seen far to many people having problems due to having edited files online using the file manager.

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If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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