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Regulations Help!


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Okay, I can't figure out how I did this. I run two seperate store and have set up another store for someone else. On one of my stores under configuration, it has a sections called regulations where you can choose whether or not have the customer "Confirm Terms and Conditions During Checkout Procedure" and "Show the Privacy Notice during the account creation procedure which the customer must agree to." I even downloaded and installed the "osCommerce 2.2-CVS Daily Snapshots" thinking maybe it was in there. No such luck. The regulations sections doesn't appear on either of the other stores.


So, can anyone tell me how I can get this set up on my others stores or where I can find out how to set it up? I got it on the first store by accident and can't figure out how to get it set up on the others.

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Thanks.  I know I hadn't downloaded this before.  Maybe it was in one of the daily updates OSCOMMERCE had, then took out.  Who knows.  Thanks though :)

This functionality is now as standard in osCommerce. If you download the daily snapshot and enable both options they will appear :)

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



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