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Review Text


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Hello all


I was wondering if anyone new how and where to set the Maximum text review to display as the reviews are short and getting cut off when customers are typing reviews.





in advance

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Ok let refine this a little more.........




When writing a Review you fill the text box up with text.



When you go to read the review all you see is the first few lines,,,,,


example: you you write youwrite alll allla ;;;;a a;a;;a;dsjadjsdjshdjsjsdhsjdhjsadhsjadhjasdhsjahdjsadhj






All you when looking at the Review is this much when reading review the rest is cut off.


you you write youwrite alll allla ;;;;a a;a;;a;dsjadjsdjshdjs






There is only the option in the ADMIN Panel to set a Minimum Lenth for the Text, but know setting the Maximum length.



any help would be appreciated.

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Thks Beardedone


But still I have not found this one out yet.


I set the minimum of course in the beginnings when I started out with this cart.


But I only started getting the questions from customers on how come the reviews are being cut off.


When going past 100 characters the reviews are cut short.


The minimum is set at 25 characters.


I have no idea where the Maximum Encoding is I looked on all the rveiews PHP pages and can't figure out where the encoding is for the Maximum, only found the Minimum.


Their has to be a Maximum setting, Unless my Reviews encoding is not correct.


I would asume that the Minimum setting at 25 should suffice that setting and anything over 100 should be allowed, but in my case it is not.


If anyone can help here please do so.

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you could check in the database sql that reviews_description review_text is set to full text

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After looking into the SQL database the Review Text is there all complete.


The problem is We don't see all of the review on the review page, only some of the review text is shown.


This one has got me guys........


I moved the Review Box to the left side colum along time ago, I fixed the problems of the reviews not showing up after moving the review box to the left colum a long time ago.


But now after complaints from customers only now not before...



That the problem of the entire review is not diplayed.


any help would be apprciated.



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Ok does anyone know how to increase the size of the Review Text Box, I Think If i can increase the Height of the Review Box then all of the text should show.

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Could this bit of code be what you seek?

in catalog/reviews.php


 ((strlen($reviews['reviews_text']) >= 100) ? '..' : '')

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Ok tried to increase that to 500 also the 60 i left alone, then tried to increase the 60, but nothing worked to increase the text viewed.



All I can see is 2 lines of text from customers reviews on the

products_reviews.php page also in the Review Box the samething.


I see at the cutoff point at the end of the text is dots ...... to show that there is more to read but no way to read it.


I do see that it is am Infox style of a BOX but I don't find anywhere to increase its size or even the reviews box.


tks.......... do you have anymore suggestions for this matter.


anyone help please.......

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the reviews box contains a reference to the max description of a review and also to the random display of reviews


It does have this part of code in the random review


 $review_query = tep_db_query("select substring(reviews_text, 1, 60) as reviews_text from " . TABLE_REVIEWS_DESCRIPTION . " where reviews_id = '" . (int)$random_product['reviews_id'] . "' and languages_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'");
? ?$review = tep_db_fetch_array($review_query);

? ?$review = tep_break_string(tep_output_string_protected($review['reviews_text']), 15, '-<br>');


however I dont think that is what you are after.


Did you get my earlier post about the sql and checking that it was set for full text as we seemed to post at about the same time?


it said this


you could check in the database sql that reviews_description review_text is set to full text

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Yes the SQL database reviews description is set to fulltext, the review box maximum description is short also, i am not sure but if i increase this mabe it will show whatever in the review box then same under the product_review.php page.


Also I see that it is a Class info Box, but this is weird i can't seem to find the encoding to increase the text allowed for it.


Even when looking under View Source I don't see it.....


anything else i should check......




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backing up a bit


((strlen($reviews['reviews_text']) >= 100) ? '..' : '')

have you tried changing the part '..'

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sorry i meant the part '..' and not the part = 100)

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I am not that sure maybe '' wthout the..

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If you click on the name of the person whom wrote the review does it now show the whole review or does it still only show the first 2 lines

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