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[SUPPORT] HTML Editor and UltraPics by MaxiDVD


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Open insert_image.html in your editor. Look for something similar to this at the top:

<html style="font: 9 pt 'MS Shell Dlg', Helvetica, sans-serif; width: 585px; height: 490px; ">


Change the height until you can see the buttons you need (try 520px or around there).


NOTE - after you upload the changed file, you will probably need to delete your temporary internet files because the pop-up pages usually get cached (you can also try Ctrl F5).



By the way, can you also advise me for this?


The insert image on the product description part is ok but the same problem appear on the product image part.


It was originally come with a browse and uplaod function,

after applied the wysiwyg v.17, it became a picture icon,

when i click on the picture icon, it also show half of the page.

I thought it is also insert_image.html. However, it doesnt seems changed after i done it for product description part.


Please advice.

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By the way, can you also advise me for this?


The insert image on the product description part is ok but the same problem appear on the product image part.


It was originally come with a browse and uplaod function,

after applied the wysiwyg v.17, it became a picture icon,

when i click on the picture icon, it also show half of the page.

I thought it is also insert_image.html. However, it doesnt seems changed after i done it for product description part.


Please advice.


anyone can help ? :huh:

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anyone can help ? :huh:


It is the same file. There are some other parameters that might be goofing up the size because the product image has its own parameter.



Look for this line:

if(config.InsertImageURL) document.all.tags("html")[0].style.height='450px';

(yours probably wont say '450px' but its around line 62.


Once you find that line, increase the size by 50px. So if it says 450, make it 500.


THEN -- work your way UP to the top of the file and for all instances that you see something like

height: 454px; and so on, add 50px to them all.


Did you remember to delete your temporary internet files or did you use Ctrl F5? Delete your temporary internet files after making changes to the htmlarea files.


It IS the same file that is used for adding images to the product description and for the product image so taking the steps above should fix it. I tink i had to do the same thing long ago but cant remember on the product image. I had to modify all the pop-ups because the buttons were down below where I could see (although, you CAN put your cursor on a blank region and move it down... lol... the content will appear ;)) BUt if you are developing for a client, they dont know those kinds of tricks, and probably wouldnt remember them very well either!


KABOOM! ahaha..


Let us know if that works for you please :)

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It is the same file. There are some other parameters that might be goofing up the size because the product image has its own parameter.

Look for this line:

if(config.InsertImageURL) document.all.tags("html")[0].style.height='450px';

(yours probably wont say '450px' but its around line 62.


Once you find that line, increase the size by 50px. So if it says 450, make it 500.


THEN -- work your way UP to the top of the file and for all instances that you see something like

height: 454px; and so on, add 50px to them all.


Did you remember to delete your temporary internet files or did you use Ctrl F5? Delete your temporary internet files after making changes to the htmlarea files.


It IS the same file that is used for adding images to the product description and for the product image so taking the steps above should fix it. I tink i had to do the same thing long ago but cant remember on the product image. I had to modify all the pop-ups because the buttons were down below where I could see (although, you CAN put your cursor on a blank region and move it down... lol... the content will appear ;)) BUt if you are developing for a client, they dont know those kinds of tricks, and probably wouldnt remember them very well either!


KABOOM! ahaha..


Let us know if that works for you please :)


James, you're Brilliant!!!


It works perfectly now.


Thank you

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I am a little bit confused and could use some MAJOR help. lol. I installed the Ultrapics contribution (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1642) because I saw that one first. What changes should I see on the admin page? I don't see any option to upload more than one image for a product. I installed the Automatic Thumbnail contribution and it seems to be working. Do I still need to install the netpbm? If so, where can I find a working link?




How does the Ultrapics Contribution differ from the Ultrapics and HTML Editor contribution?

should I have installed the Ultrapics and HTML Editor contribution instead?



Thanks for the support!

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Can anyone explain why the www.yalouz.com website doesn't work? When I click through to the first page, I get this a screen from oscommerce (http://showroom.nuxit.net/) stating Congratulations but it does not take me to the actual website. And it isn't just me. Others also have the same problem while some, apparently the owners of the site, do not. any assistance is greatly appreciated.

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  • 5 months later...

Hello and congrats for this contrib! works great and is very useful!




(Don't know if for other people is like for me) The file list on popup, from which i upload images and create folders, is showing files in a random sequence so i cannot find my image if folder contains many images. How i can reorder alphabetical the file list??


Thanks for help!

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  • 1 month later...

I got the problem today with this contribution coz,

i add category text and change font clas to vardana

after that i update my product.


But when i go to new_product page it didn't show my description..


Then i remove HTML code for font class and then i got my text.



So any one know about that issue. REP




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Hi all,

When i create newsletter with the WYSIWYG 1.7 editor and i preview the newsletter everything show up correctly.

When i send the newsletter with mail.php to my email adres and i open the mail/newsletter, i see a lot of gaps (white spaces) between the products.


The background collor (body) ain't showing up. I selected the collor "yellow" in catagories/WYSIWYG 1.7 menu, but the mail

still shows a white background (body)


Somebody knows what's wrong?

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Hi, duz somebody having problems with this contri in combination with the email templates.

when i create a newsletter/email and i preview it everything show up correctly. but when i send the mail to my email, then there are a lot of unwanted spaces.


i found that this code was screwing the whole thing up



	require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'email_templates.php');
tep_get_email_from($from, $from_email_name, $from_email_address);
while ($mail = tep_db_fetch_array($mail_query)) {
$email_text = tep_email_templates_replace_keywords($message, $mail['customers_email_address'], '');
tep_mail($mail['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail['customers_lastname'], $mail['customers_email_address'], $subject, $email_text, $from_email_name, $from_email_address);

If i remove the code the mails arrives correctly, but due this [CUSTOMER_NAME] will not transform to the customers name, i can live without that but it would be nice if it worked.


Somebody know more about it?

Edited by Hyperspace
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  • 1 month later...
Look for this around line 290 or so:

// ------Modified to fix resize and shared ssl problem jsinp 09/15/2005
// return the URL
//return ("http://" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"] . $url);
return ( ((getenv('HTTPS') == 'on' or getenv('SERVER_PORT') == 443) ? "https://" : "http://") . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"] . $url);

Look for this around line 400 or so:

// ------Modified to fix resize and shared ssl problem jsinp 09/15/2005
// return the URL
//return ("http://" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"] . $url);
return ( ((getenv('HTTPS') == 'on' or getenv('SERVER_PORT') == 443) ? "https://" : "http://") . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"] . $url);
// ------Modified to fix resize and shared ssl problem jsinp 09/15/2005



Thanks for this, making these changes fixed my problem uploading images when I had SSL turned on in admin.


This should be incorporated into the contribution :)





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My question is concerning Ultrapics - I'm trying to display the product's bigger image on the shopping_cart.php page, not the product's main image. When a customer adds a product to the shopping cart, it should display the "bigger" image that is inserted through the backend.


I've already modified the mysql query to the following on shopping_cart.php - is this correct?


$attributes = tep_db_query("select popt.products_options_name, poval.products_options_values_name, pa.options_values_price, pa.price_prefix, p.products_image_med, p.products_image_lrg
								  where p.products_id=pa.products_id
										  and pa.products_id = '" . (int)$products[$i]['id'] . "'
								   and pa.options_id = '" . (int)$option . "'
								   and pa.options_id = popt.products_options_id
								   and pa.options_values_id = '" . (int)$value . "'
								   and pa.options_values_id = poval.products_options_values_id
								   and popt.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'
								   and poval.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'");


Now, what do I need to change this to in order to display the product's bigger image, not the main image? Would this be MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH or MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT?


Is this the line I should be looking at? Thanks for any help - this is the last thing I need to do!!!


$products_name = '<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">' .
				   '  <tr>' .
				   '	<td class="productListing-data" align="center"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $products[$i]['id']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products[$i]['image'], $product_info[$i]['name'], MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a></td>' .
				   '	<td class="productListing-data" valign="top"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $products[$i]['id']) . '"><b>' . $products[$i]['name'] . '</b></a>';

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you have already modified some othe above pages I sugest you use code compare software to cut snippets, I have marked all my work with:

BOF MaxiDVD: and EOF MaxiDVD:


Can someone recommend a "code compare" application for Mac, that can help make the installation process a little easier?



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Yes your code is very complete - would you be able to help me with my above question?


I use TextWrangler for Mac - it is free.


Can someone recommend a "code compare" application for Mac, that can help make the installation process a little easier?



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I hope someone can answer my question. It seems simple, yet I can't figure it out.


I have a small shop so I'm manually inserting products. I'm not using EasyPopulate. I've used it in the past, but this shop is smaller, so I'm doing everything by hand which is pretty time consuming, but it's giving me the results I want. Anyway, I've got ultrapics installed on this shop and I really like it. I'm using it in conjunction with the On the Fly GD autothumbnailer contribution to generate my thumbnails.


Basically, I upload the same three images for products_image, products_image_med, and products_image_lrg. I then upload the same two pictures for products_sm_1, products_xl_1, etc. for each additional image. To save time, I'd like to upload one picture and have it populate each field for the database for each one of the additional image fields because the autothumbnailer is making my thumbnails for me.


I've looked at my admin/categories.php and that's just way beyond my meager PHP hacking skills to figure out what I need to do to accomplish my goals. Should I be looking elsewhere? Should I just keep clicking on 'Choose File' like 7-10 times for each product and deal with the 30 sec. I'm losing by doing that? Should I use easypopulate? Argh. It seems like there should be a simple workaround, but I've read these threads and searched the forums and I can't quite find the answer to this burning question.



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  • 2 weeks later...

hi i need help from all


I added UltraPics_2.04 to my catalog. i'm using that HTML editor done by MaxiDVD so problem is

when i installed ultra pics my earlier image upload field was missed and i want to add that image upload

field to other image upload fields as wel.


So any one can guid me to make it.




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  • 3 months later...
Hello everyone,


in my store I have fixed the sort problem with the imagedirectories in the image-upload-popup. :D


This is my code of the lister.php


(cut it to save space......)


With this lister.php the sorting works for images and image-directories. Directories are listed at top, pictures below, if a directory contains both - directories and images.




Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou.

I was gettng so many files in each image folder, it was difficult to sort through them all to pick the correct file I needed.

Once again, Thankyou.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi all


I've got a problem where when I go to put in a picture I get a pop-up window that looks borked.


I can't navigate at all. According to my client, this just "happened".


Here's what the pop-up looks like:




Images DO APPEAR on the catalog, however...

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First of all, thank Maxi very very much for this awesome contribution. I've looking for this kind of stuff for a long time and I couldn't ask for anything better. I installed the contribution, but I have 1 problem which I hope you can help me with. When I insert additional images from Admin page, they don't get uploaded on the server and the database will not change either. If I change the database manually and upload the files via FTP the additional images display fine on the site, but the admin page does not upload any additional images.

The main product image works though...


I would appreciate any input on this, as for 2 days I'm struggling with this thing and I have no hair left.


Thanks a lot,


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  • 1 year later...

not sure how to start...


i just wanted to update the script (1.7) to add automatically a link (<a href/>) and a rel=lightbox to each image is loaded by the html editor.

trying to understand the insert_image.html since hours but not getting where the img url is handled (or given back to the editor)

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  • 5 months later...

ok - I got this all setup but I cant get any of the picture stuff to work???? loads of options in admin panel but I am also missing this???




> admin --> configuration --> Images (Choose Images to use Standard/Ultra/addition or All - set default sizes or "0")


what the heck did I miss? I have a pretty modified board already so I am going through file by file.....

Chris Gutzmer

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  • 5 months later...

Hey to all!


First of all my special thanks to MaxiDVD for the Ultra Pics- Contrib. :-)

So everything goes well with the original contrib! For special reason i have to "update" this mod for 9pic more instead of 6 pics. I'm now in front of the problem, that the "image_xl_9" won't be loaded up! Every pic from "image_sm_1 to image_sm_9" upload is perfect! But not image_xl_9. So I decided to try it with even one more pic-set (image_sm_10 and image_xl_10). Same problem .. upload from image_xl_9 to image_xl_10 doesn't work!

I don't think, that there ist any limitation within the contrib (or is it?)!

When i edit the pic manualy to the DB, it is shown in the shop correctly, but when I edit this product in admin again, it deletes the DB-Entry! I renewed the code several times to be sure, to avoid a mistake!


Has anyone an idea? Or is there any limitation in the code?


Help would be much appreciated!


Thanks a lot!

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