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Download Directory problem.


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On the site http://bookstore.e-readit.co.uk/index.php I get this message


Warning: The downloadable products directory does not exist: http://bookstore.e-readit.co.uk/catalog/download/. Downloadable products will not work until this directory is valid.


Having ftp'd onto the site and confirmed that the directory exits and chas the correct CHMOD of 755 and that the pub directory also exists under catalog with CHMOD 777 as mentioned in the numerous posts about similar problems, I am now at a loss.


If anyone out there can suggest anything to help I would be very grateful.


Thank you in advance for your help and support.



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Thanks for the quick reply Tom, but the definition was exactly as per your post and even changing the training didn't fix the problem... Any more idea's??





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It seems that the path was wrong in the config after all!! The path displayed on the index page was the correct path but not the one that was actually being traversed too.


Once changed to:-


define('DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD', 'download/');


It worked perfectly - to a point, now when I complete the order there is no file available to download!!


But that's a new post if I can't fix it.



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