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The e-commerce.

Newsletter Contribution


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John, not sure I understand.


This is a description of the contribution:


"The purpose of this module is to bridge a gap in the current OSCommerce application.


At present only registered persons can choose to receive the newsletter. The goal of this module is to allow visitors who would not want to register or purchase at present to register to receive the store newsletter."


Doesn't this mean, that they will basically be providing their email address, so they can get a newsletter?


Do you have this contribution installed? If so, how difficult was it? Adding a SQL table always freaks me out, since it's not too intuitive using myphp.

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yes, they will be providing if they signup. for installation, as long as you have a good backup there is no problem, just read and reread the instructions prior to proceeding. do this on a development store before you do it on a live store. and on the development store you can play with phpmyadmin, mysql connector or mysql at the prompt level to practice adding a table, which is a piece of cake

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Okay, I added the contribution and I am having problems with it.


The SQL thing went fine, I can signup for newsletter, etc.


Problem comes when trying to send a newsletter...


Warning: Missing argument 3 for newsletter_subscribers() in /home/varn/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/modules/newsletters/newsletter_subscribers.php on line 16

Warning: Missing argument 4 for newsletter_subscribers() in /home/varn/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/modules/newsletters/newsletter_subscribers.php on line 16

Warning: Missing argument 5 for newsletter_subscribers() in /home/varn/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/modules/newsletters/newsletter_subscribers.php on line 16

Warning: Missing argument 6 for newsletter_subscribers() in /home/varn/public_html/catalog/admin/includes/modules/newsletters/newsletter_subscribers.php on line 16


Now, I didn't have to do a thing to newsletter_subscribers.php, so there shouldn't be any errors in that file...


Here's the stuff around line 16.... form newsletter_subscribers.php...


class newsletter_subscribers {

var $show_choose_audience, $header, $title, $contenta, $unsubscribea, $unsubscribeb, $footer;


function newsletter_subscribers($header, $title, $contenta, $unsubscribea, $unsubscribeb, $footer) {

$this->show_choose_audience = false;

$this->header = $header;

$this->title = $title;

$this->contenta = $contenta;

$this->unsubscribea = $unsubscribea;

$this->unsubscribeb = $unsubscribeb;

$this->footer = $footer;



Any ideas? Anyone know if anyone has ever gotten this contribution to work? I'm really not feeling like beating my head against a brick wall (I'm not fluent in PHP, just enough to get in trouble).


There are some CGI programs out there that let people subscribe to newsletters that I can use that work, but thought this might be ready for OScommerce.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If anybody have an answer in this regard, please post it here :rolleyes:


I have installed this on OSC2.2MS2 and experience the same as above. Lucky I made a backup prior installing ;)


Seems like a really cool contrib and I would love to use it.



From all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most - Ozzy Ozborne

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Try searching under the support thread for the contribution, as I remember it is documented there for this issue and a resolve

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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ok so you find it hard to use the search


Do you have a file named catalog/subscription_center.php if so this is the actual file that you require to edit as this is the file that gives the choices of sub topic to which you see your errors


here is some of the code

 ? ? ? ? ?<tr class="productListing-even">
? ? ? ? ? ?<td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo 'Receive Newsletter'; ?></b> </td>
? ? ?	<td class="fieldValue">
<input type="radio" name="subscription_status" value="1"<?
?if ($update1_values['customers_newsletter'] == '1') {
? ?echo ' CHECKED';
?} ?>>   Yes  <input type="radio" name="subscription_status" value="0"<?
?if ($update1_values['customers_newsletter'] == '0') {
? ?echo ' CHECKED';
?} ?>>  No ? ? ?	
? ?	</td></tr>
? ? ? ? ?<tr class="productListing-odd">
? ? ? ? ? ?<td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo SUB_TITLE_1; ?></b> </td>
? ? ?	<td class="fieldValue">
? ? ?	<input type="checkbox" name="interest1" value="1"<?
?if ($update1_values['interest1'] == '1') {
? ?echo ' CHECKED';
?} ?>>
? ? ?	</td></tr>
? ? ? ? ?<tr class="productListing-even">
? ? ? ? ? ?<td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo SUB_TITLE_2; ?></b> </td>
? ? ?	<td class="fieldValue">
? ? ?	<input type="checkbox" name="interest2" value="1"<?
?if ($update1_values['interest2'] == '1') {
? ?echo ' CHECKED';
?} ?>>
? ?	</td></tr>
<!-- ? ? ? ? <tr class="productListing-odd">
? ? ? ? ? ?<td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo SUB_TITLE_3; ?></b> </td>
? ? ?	<td class="fieldValue">
? ? ?	<input type="checkbox" name="interest3" value="1"//--><?
?if ($update1_values['interest3'] == '1') {
? ?echo ' CHECKED';
?} ?>
?<!-- ?	</td></tr>
? ? ? ? ?<tr class="productListing-even">
? ? ? ? ? ?<td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo SUB_TITLE_4; ?></b> </td>
? ? ?	<td class="fieldValue">
? ? ?	<input type="checkbox" name="interest4" value="1"//--><?
?if ($update1_values['interest4'] == '1') {
? ?echo ' CHECKED';
?} ?>
? ?	<!--	</td></tr>
? ? ? ? ?<tr class="productListing-odd">
? ? ? ? ? <td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo SUB_TITLE_5; ?></b> </td>
? ? ?<td class="fieldValue">
? ? ?	<input type="checkbox" name="interest5" value="1"<?
?if ($update1_values['interest5'] == '1') {
? ?echo ' CHECKED';
?} ?>
? ?	</td></tr>//-->

as you can see some of the code has been edited out here this is what you need to do I never looked into getting this bit of code working as it was not required for me, however this is similar to what I use


oops this is what I have in one store


<td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo 'Receive Newsletter'; ?></b> </td>
    	 <td class="fieldValue">
<input type="radio" name="subscription_status" value="1"<?
 if ($update1_values['customers_newsletter'] == '1') {
   echo ' CHECKED';
 } ?>>   Yes  <input type="radio" name="subscription_status" value="0"<?
 if ($update1_values['customers_newsletter'] == '0') {
   echo ' CHECKED';
 } ?>>  No     	 
         <tr class="productListing-odd">
           <td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo SUB_TITLE_1; ?></b> </td>
    	 <td class="fieldValue">
    	 <input type="checkbox" name="interest1" value="1"<?
 if ($update1_values['interest1'] == '1') {
   echo ' CHECKED';
 } ?>>
         <tr class="productListing-even">
           <td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo SUB_TITLE_2; ?></b> </td>
    	 <td class="fieldValue">
    	 <input type="checkbox" name="interest2" value="1"<?
 if ($update1_values['interest2'] == '1') {
   echo ' CHECKED';
 } ?>>
         <tr class="productListing-odd">
           <td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo SUB_TITLE_3; ?></b> </td>
    	 <td class="fieldValue">
    	 <input type="checkbox" name="interest3" value="1"<?
 if ($update1_values['interest3'] == '1') {
   echo ' CHECKED';
 } ?>>
         <tr class="productListing-even">
           <td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo SUB_TITLE_4; ?></b> </td>
    	 <td class="fieldValue">
    	 <input type="checkbox" name="interest4" value="1"<?
 if ($update1_values['interest4'] == '1') {
   echo ' CHECKED';
 } ?>>
         <tr class="productListing-odd">
          <td valign="top" class="main"><b><? echo SUB_TITLE_5; ?></b> </td>
     <td class="fieldValue">
    	 <input type="checkbox" name="interest5" value="1"<?
 if ($update1_values['interest5'] == '1') {
   echo ' CHECKED';
 } ?>>

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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Bad news, neither of the two examples nor the original in the contribution worked. :( Maybe if you could re-post your complete contribution ... the one that work :P


Another problem is the unsubscribe link on the welcome (and I suppose all other) newsletters. It currently refer to an unknown file named unsubscribe.php


unsubscribe at:http://test.trial.co.za/catalog/unsubscribe.php?action=view&[email protected]


Talking about the welcome newsletter, the below link (at the bottom of the welcome newsletter) takes you to the subscription centre with no content, only a "back" button. -


Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests at: http://test.trial.co.za/catalog/subscripti...somewhere.co.za


On the brighter side, for those of you struggling with the following error:


Call to undefined function: tep_array_merge() in /usr/www/users/test/catalog/admin/newsletters_subscribers_view.php on line 469


I managed to solve this by editing newsletters_subscribers_view.php and changing the "tep_array_merge" to "array_merge" on line 469



From all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most - Ozzy Ozborne

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It is not my contribution i just happen to have it installed and working

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i was able to get the newsletter module to work - how? i didn't think it was going to work, so i didn't write down what i did exactly - i know though that there is a mis-spelling so that a filename "newsletter" - should be filename "newsletters" - when i added the "s" it seemed to solve the whole thing. i am trying right now to figure out where the misspelling is - in the meanwhile, at least it's possible to get it working.



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false call -


turns out i have no idea what i did, and when i tried to figure it out, i messed something up and have not been able to get it working again - makes me think i didn't really get it working to begin with -


for those still struggling with :


Warning: Missing argument 3 for newsletter_subscribers() in /usr/home/chickids/public_html/shopping/admin/includes/ modules/newsletters/newsletter_subscribers.php on line 16


Warning: Missing argument 4 for newsletter_subscribers() in /usr/home/chickids/public_html/shopping/admin/includes/ modules/newsletters/newsletter_subscribers.php on line 16


Warning: Missing argument 5 for newsletter_subscribers() in /usr/home/chickids/public_html/shopping/admin/includes/ modules/newsletters/newsletter_subscribers.php on line 16


Warning: Missing argument 6 for newsletter_subscribers() in /usr/home/chickids/public_html/shopping/admin/includes/ modules/newsletters/newsletter_subscribers.php on line 16


check out:




this contribution is sure a pesky little thing...


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i suppose i just didn't upload the right newsletter contribution files. what i did works, though i haven't checked yet how to edit unsububscribe buttons and all that, but at least i can actually send a newsletter that has content in it.)


i uninstalled all the newsletter files that i had been having problems with and started clean. then, i uploaded only the newsletter files from the development folder, not the admin and catalog folder that are alongside the development folder. (maybe this was obvious for others, but since both the admin and catalog folders appeared to have the same files as the developmet admin and catalog folders, i thought i was ok uploading directly from those catalog and admin folder. evidently, i wasn't.) then, i got a fatal error: cannot redeclare class: newsletter_subscribers.


there are two files with the same name that have different contents. for some reason, i had the newsletter_subscribers from admin/includes/modules/newsletters also in admin/includes/languages/english/modules/newsletters/ - i deleted it from this directory and then got another error.


i looked in the development folder, and there is no newsletter_subscribers file in the english/modules/newsletters directory. when i looked in the admin folder alongside the development folder, there was a newsletter_subscribers in the english/modules/newsletters/. i uploaded that newsletter_subscribers into admin/includes/languages/english/modules/newsletters/.


at some point, i got the same error as above about missing arguments 3,4,5 in line 16 that someone else on this thread had -


i just followed the directions from the link in my last post and then everything worked (at least to the point of sending a newsletter to subscribers).

so if you do exactly what i did and things still aren't working, you probably don't have your files in the right directories.


hope this helps the next person and if there's anyway of requesting that people who write the code (though i am very grateful:) can name folders and files with DIFFERENT names to avoid such confusion, that would be a definite plus...thank you,


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