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adding text to terms, privacy etc


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Tried adding text to these pages but when I uploaded they where blank. When I tried uploading the orginal file this was also blank to.


Any ideas? how do I do this. How would I also add a new page?

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I suspect this is something to do with file permissions, and that if you had edited the pages in question online the file permissions would have remained at rw-r-r (chmod 644). Check out the file permissions for these pages and see what they're set to, it may be that they're now set to 755 rw-rw-rw. Post again when you've checked this out. With regard to adding pages the most difficult part of this is not going to be the pages themselves, but updating any links to other pages. As only you know the breadcrumb trail for these extra pages it may be something that you're going to have to work out for yourself. Sorry! Vger

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permissions are 644.


I cant understand why its blank I have added the orginal file from oscommerce.


The only solution I can think of might be to remove the conditions, privacy and returns page and somehow add a new page with it all on.


Any suggestions


the site is http://www.cornishcrispa.co.uk

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Are you by any chance on a Windows server? If so, the chances are that you won't have permission to chmod files using ftp. You can chmod them all you like in ftp, and it will look as though you've done it (no error) will be reported - but nothing will have happened. You may also find that your file size, when viewed via ftp, is recorded as '0' bytes. Vger

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I think i am on an apache server.


I changed conditions.php and uploaded, I have tried uploading the orginal file with no luck the page is still blank.

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If i could just get the page back so it isnt blank I feel I could add text to it


How do I get the page back? I have uploaded the orginal file but it has made no difference. I can edit this file through the file manager but cant see it. ANy ideas why?

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My main concern is being able to view the conditions of use page. As mentioned I can edit the file just not see it when viewing it.

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You say you 'think' you're on an Apache server? Establish an ftp connection, look at the files you've altered and check the file sizes. I'm betting that if they're showing zero bytes that you're on a Windows server, and the server has screwed things up. You can also look through your ftp files, and if you're on an apache server you should find some files names apache in there. Alternatively, check with your hosting company, ask them which type of server you're on - also find out which version of php they're running.


Also, many of these files have the same name but exist in different directories, please check to make sure that you have placed the altered files in the right directory - this may also be the problem. Vger

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