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Out of stock items are being listed


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i put a big red graphic of No Stock on mine, i do not want the customer to think that the product is no longer carried

i will even let them do back orders

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When you say

Items with a 0 stock level
is it you who put 0 in your products or stock went down to 0?

Check in admin->configuration->Stock->Mark product out of stock, do you have ***?



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Pierre, what he is doing is probably selling close out items which once gone, there is no more stock, so to delete any reference to that item is going to have to be how it is done, bad thing is when you do delete the items, reports which reference orders and where they have bought those products, they will not be able to see that

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I am selling some close out items. The products will go to 0 quantity as customers purchase the items. However, after the last item is purchased, I do not want the items to show up in the store. I do not want to have to manually delete these products from my db.

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Allow Checkout -> False instead of True



I had mine set to true, and when I made this, the items which were out of stock did not show up in my system.

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I have this setting to false, and the items are still listed. I checked table configuration, configuration_key STOCK_ALLOW_CHECKOUT and it is set to false. I am not that experienced in php, but I cannot find where this value is checked when listing products.

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My problem is I want the out of stock products to show and to display a out of stock icon underneath instead of a buy if now button.


Can anyone tell me how to perform this?





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Edit: this was an answer to the original question


Are you setting the level to 0 manually or are you actually allowing it to decrement by placing orders?


I found that if I set the level to 0 then the item showed up. But if I set the level to 1 and then placed a test order for the item, (so stock level went to 0) then it could no longer be seen.


It was a nasty shock actually, as I wanted mine to be seen and back orders placed. So I had the opposite problem. But the default is that they are set inactive, unless things have been changed in MS2.

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My problem is I want the out of stock products to show and to display a out of stock icon underneath instead of a buy if now button.


Can anyone tell me how to perform this?





See this thread for the solution to the first part of your problem:



As for the showing an alternative image, you would probably have to edit default.php where it calls the Buy it Now image so that it checks the db first. If stock >0 then show the buy it now but if stock =0 then show the out of stock image.


I can't write code but there are lots of nice people round here who can.

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Are you setting the level to 0 manually or are you actually allowing it to decrement by placing orders?


I found that if I set the level to 0 then the item showed up. But if I set the level to 1 and then placed a test order for the item, (so stock level went to 0) then it could no longer be seen.

After doing what you said, it is true that the items do not show when they go to 0 quantity by themselves. I guess the item is set to inactive when the last item is sold. Inactive items are not listed, however Active Items with 0 quantity are shown.


Thanks for your help.

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Well, then you're OK.


As you sell your stuff, when your stock is depleted the items will go to inactive automatically.


If you are entering new products with a stock level of 0 you can set them inactive manually simply by selecting Out of stock at the top of the new product page, or changing the green dot to red on the categories listing page in admin.

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Mine works just fine. All items I will have are one of a kind usually. In your admin panel under configuration, stock these are my settings.


Check stock level true

Subtract stock true

Allow Checkout false

Mark product out of stock SOLD

Stock Re-order level 0

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I hace the same problem.

Items I sell are unique. I tried all possible settings to make an item with stock=0 to disappear. No result so far.


Any idea?

Did you try setting it to 1 and then placing a test order for it?

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