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The e-commerce.

The whole page don't load


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I've used the search engine to see if anyone else have reported this problem, but it doesn't look lite anyone has... :(


I run several sites, from one webhotel. PhpBB forums and other PHP sites run just fine. But when I install osC the problems begins. At first everything looked just fine... in Mozilla Firebird that is. In Internet Explorer the bottom of the page was missing. After "clicking" around and looking at some of the demoproducts the bottom suddenly arrived. Back to the index page and the bottom was still where it should be. Back to Dreamweaver and Firebird for some customizing :) Thing looked nice until the bottom of the page yet again disapeared :blink: ... this time in Firebird. I thought it could be some errors in the scripts after I had edited them. Reinstalled osC. But the same problem reoccures. The index page loads, but is chopped off after the New products box in the main window.


I really like osC, and I got it to look the way I wanted... but now I have to start looking for something else :(


(yeah, I used the latest version, with and without mods)




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Short update:


Yepp, this described my problem, but I couldn't solve it. My web host need to update PHP I guess. But the temporary solutions is to use STS template system. Then it actually works :) ... for now that is :D




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