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Free With Purchase Module.


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I am looking for a module that would allow you to have a product and it would be listed at a certain price but when you purchased anouther product you would get it at a discount or for Free. I have looked for a module or a way of doing it but have not found one. Any Help would be nice.

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  • 5 months later...

I haven't seen a contrib for this but I got around it by creating a ZERO dollar item in a category I created called Specials. The product description explicitly says that you have to buy something etc...


I also made a graphic for it on the homepage. The graphic points to the product description.


So when a customer adds this product but didn't meet the pre-requisite, I just don't send it. I just send the customer an email letting them know why they didn't get this.


It appears on their cart but the price is $0.00.


You can check out how it works on Techbudget.com

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So when a customer adds this product but didn't meet the pre-requisite, I just don't send it. I just send the customer an email letting them know why they didn't get this.


Unfortunately that's a little hokie and you might end up with irritated or disappointed customers that won't come back after that sale. Then they spread word that "they have this free item but never shipped it" Never mind that they didnt meet the requirement - they probably wouldn't tell their friends the whole truth and you can't be there to defend yourself.


If you're going to have freebies, just give them the freebie without announcing it ahead of time. Put a note with the order saying that "because you purchased such and such, this is yours free!" They will be pleasantly surprised by that and will definitely tell others. It looks better than saying "oh sorry because you DIDN'T buy such and such, you DON'T get what you were hoping for free."

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I admit it is pretty hoakie but for all intents and purposes, it seems to be working. We only just started the "special" for about 2 weeks now and so far - no complaints. We do send people a note when they don't meet criteria but it is very rare (that they don't meet the criteria). And if they order something and don't meet the criteria, we usually just send it anyway - but we do send them a note that even though they don't meet the criteria, we will still send it.


I really hope that people don't think we are trying to fool them. We point out, in several ways, that they have to meet the criteria. So hopefully, we are covering our butts.


I'm gonna have to try the buy two contribution. Can someone post an url for that? I can't seem to find it.

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