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The e-commerce.

Color Scheme


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I have looked at many different OSCommerce sites and seen that they have different color schemes (I.E. some have black tables). Mine currently, is just the standard light blue color. How do I go about changing it to a different color, like navy. Thanks!

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I have managed to change the info box heading colours but what do I do about the colour of the corners???


Do I edit the images myself or can I just get rid of them and square the corners off??




Mark :blink:

Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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I never realised that when I inserted that contribution that I would be left with white areas at the side of my infoboxes.


The colour I am using for the infoboxes is #2F4F4F, I dont own photoshop, would anybody body be willing to change the colours for me?


Any help would be appreciated! :P





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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