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The e-commerce.

Sql file does not exist Problem!! :P


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Hi All!!

I searched for this but i couldn?t find an aswer for my question i hope someone could help me :rolleyes:


I?m having problems with step 3 of the installation, appears this messege : "Sql file does not exist: /usr/install/oscommerce.sql". The first time i installed it and i didn?t have this problem it worked fine, but i had to unistall it and reinstall it again, and now i have this problem. :huh:


First i don?t know from where the "/usr/" folder came from :blink: , if i only have the catalog folder uploaded to my hosting, second i thought that if i created this path in windows and then uploaded it would work, wrong it didn?t!!! Try to install it without the database and than put it manually, but when i enter the index page appear ?Unable to connect to database server".


Any help would be great!! :D


By the way i?m a Newbie with php and that stuff :P



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I too am a beginner but as I understand it:


/install/oscommerce.sql is a file that comes with OSC and contains a bunch of sql commands for setting up the database (180k's worth!). It sets up the tables, but the database itself must already exist. You should create the database with your host's control panel (If you don't have a control panel, you must ask your host to set it up)


/usr is a directory on a Unix system for user access. Perhaps it is used by the OSC installer to hold temporary uploads.


I suspect that following your first upload, OSC erased the unneeded oscommerce.sql file. You must upload the catalog again as in step 2 or at least up load the "install" subdirectory to the "install subdirectory of your website.




Karl Bochert

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