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Part Numbers / Model Numbers - sequential?


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when creating part numbers for your items, how do you all do it.


Is it just a sequential list of numbers/letters or this there some special meaning to the way you layout your part numbers. (ie digits 1-3 are manufacturer, etc)


Thanks for any advice

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It depends, my products come with model numbers from the supplier, but if you are creating your own product, you can number it any way that works for you. When I was making jewelry, the numbers were based on the type of material used, the type of jewlery it was, etc...

Hope this helps....

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i'm using the first four letters of the maufacturers name followed by the manufacturers model number.

Six jars of Mayonnaise: $12.50

20 feet of rubber tubing: $4.25

Latex-rubber gloves: $3.25/doz.

The look on the cashiers face: Priceless.


There are some things money can't buy, for everything else, there's your parent's money.

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