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Please, please, please stop making .diff files that are to be used by the "patch" command. This makes the contribution completly useless for those of us that have modified stores. Even supplying files for "drop in" is difficult but at least if the addon was well commented within the files you cold use Beyond Compare.


At the very least manual install directions should be the standard. Otherwise many of the contributions I need, I can not use :(


Now for the $64k question... Can a .diff file somehow be read and show the file and location of the changes?

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Yes, the diff file supplies the file names, line numbers (will not be accurate if you have modified the files), and the lines to be added (+) and removed (-) to make the changes. I've done this manually with a couple of Contributions. It's a bit of a pain. but not as bad as it looks at first glance.


You can send me the $64K. ;)




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Please, please, please stop making .diff files that are to be used by the "patch" command. This makes the contribution completly useless for those of us that have modified stores. Even supplying files for "drop in" is difficult but at least if the addon was well commented within the files you cold use Beyond Compare.


At the very least manual install directions should be the standard. Otherwise many of the contributions I need, I can not use :(


Now for the $64k question... Can a .diff file somehow be read and show the file and location of the changes?

I totally agree, I don't want .diff files or modified files either, nobody has even stated how to use the .diff files, I don't know how to use a patch or seen one for OSC, I guess it's a secret.


All I want to see is an install.txt file with the mod in it.

Best Regards

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The PATCH command must be run from the command line of a *NIX based server. If you don't have SHELL access to your site, this is a non-option.




Okay.... I'm going to play both sides of the fence...


First, not to be blunt, but i'm going to say, "Beggers can't be choosers"!


The people that develop these contributions do so on their own time and at their own expense. They don't get paid for the work they have done. Furthermore, the LACK OF DONATIONS to the authors of these great contributions from the people that are using them makes it that much more difficult to continue creating and supporting these great contributions.


Time is money. What do you want for FREE?


Running a DIFF file against files and directories takes less than a minute. Writing a readme with detailed update info could take a few hours, depending on the complexity of the contribution. I know, I have done it. Its a pain.


Add that time to the total amount of time it took to actually write and test the contribution. You could be talking days, if not weeks.


If everyone that downloaded, installed and now uses a contribution simply donated $5 or $10 to the developer of the contribution, I'm sure that the developer would be completely willing to spend MUCH more time making instructions and readme files more user-friendly.


Have any of you that are questioning the DIFF files even bothered to do any kind of research into how to use the PATCH command? Or, for that matter, made a donation?


Please, don't be demanding... and, in fact, be happy that someone is actually taking the time to even do it. Show some respect and make some donations. I bet you will get a MUCH better response.


The same goes for the osCommerce Development Team. Without them, we wouldn't even have osCommerce to use. If you haven't already done so...






Now... for the other side of the fence...


I agree that DIFF files are much more difficult to read and understand. BUT, the details are there... both the files and the specific lines and their line numbers that require modification. Okay, so instead of 30 minutes, it will take you a few hours. Thats just the way it goes.


I also agree that if DIFF files are to be included, there should be some kind of instructions as to how to either read, and/or the details of how to use the Patch command to make the update.


Also, remember that using the patch command does not take into account any other modifications that you have already done to a file. So if you have already modified a file, running the PATCH command wouldn't (or shouldn't) even be an option.


Just my 2 cents.



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