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The e-commerce.

Problems about permissions, please help!


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The oscommerce works before but now I have two problems:



1. On the front page, it shows:


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/grandmas/public_html/store/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.


I chmod the configure.php as 644, but the warning is still there.



2. When a create a new product, the product image was uploaded correctly, but it never shows up in the catalog. I checked the /image directory. The image file is there, but the user permission was set to 600. I change it to 644 manually and it works now. What I should do?


Please help! Thanks!

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Thank you very much! The warning message is gone after I set the config.php to 444.


It also works to set the image file to 777. The problem is, every new uploaded product image was set to 600 by osCommerce and I have to manually set them to 777. How can I configure osCommerce so I don't have to manually set permission for each uploaded image file?


Thanks again!

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As long as the folder is chmod correctly then the images should upload with a minimum of 644 which is the lowest allowabe for the images to work

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