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error processing credit card


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My son in-law setup my store, but still can't get credit cards to process. Here is the error that comes up when you click payment confirmation see the copy below copied from address line on website: ( essentially says, error processing your credit card). Please let me know if I do even have a shopping cart installed in this program? My credit card processing company says that the problem is with my shopping cart. Please direct me to the right person with accurate information , so I can have my son in-law (the computer guy) fix it. I feel very helpless in this situation. I've been working on it for about 3 weeks.







Thanks for any information given and your time,


Pat Kopatich

Nana's Baby Boutique, Inc.


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You need the correct payment gateway installed. who is authorizing your cards. authorize.net or estore, or worldpay? you do have a shopping cart it is an osCommerce cart. see link: payment gateways and for all the contribs goto osCommerce payment contributions.


you will need to edit the gateway in your admin/modules/payment to have your user name and infor for what ever you use.


Hope I have helped good luck.

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Thank you for your reply. I selected innovative gateway at www.innovative gateway.com. If I need to change providers to make it work, I definitely will!!! I will forward your reply to my son in-law Kevin. I'm trying to understand all that you have said, but being untrained, I don't . You computer guys are so smart. Thank you for taking the time to help me with this problem!



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